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Arms Embargoes
UN Security Council arms embargoes are the only legally binding international instruments on all UN member states which prohibit arms transfers to specific recipients (under UN Charter, Chapter VII, Article 41). Arms embargoes are used to put pressure on states or other actors whose behaviour is deemed a threat to international peace and security. These arms embargoes have also been established in response to violations of IHL, as in the case of Rwanda in 1994 and the Sudan region of Darfur in 2004. Importantly, their implementation is monitored by sanctions committees and UN panels of experts.The EU also imposes arms embargoes under its Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP). These are binding for EU member states and form part of what the EU generally refers to as ‘restrictive measures’ (see Chapter 4).
Sources: SIPRI Arms Embargoes Database, NaturalEarth.